
A time capsule for myself

Monday, May 18, 2009

Rock art

Ruri went to Los Angles for the final meet of the season with the team and I stayed behind. As expected she won all her races and brought back her trophy. She also had a lot of fun staying with her teammate and swimming together. This may be how we'll do things next season.

So on Sunday I went with Takeru to the beach, and this time we went to a beach that is not officially open. Getting down there was a challenge, but once you are there, it's a paradise. Here is a rock art we build together..now it is on my computer background. I feel very relaxed whenever I see it. I think I understand why the Japanese build Zen gardens....

Monday, May 04, 2009


The weather still changes sometimes, but the summer is coming. I took a Friday afternoon off and hit the no-name beach (actually is called Cowell Ranch beach, donated by the ranch owner to public) where most people didn't want to hike the 1 mile trail to get to the beach, but suits us just fine. We also saw a seal giving birth. Here is a video with Ruri/Take doing rolly-polly and close encounter with the seal (which I believe is giving birth).