
A time capsule for myself

Friday, June 29, 2007

Old unicycle video

This is an old clip (made using Sony's movie shaker from some soundless clips taken with digital camera). When Ruri was 7, one day she just decided that she wanted to ride unicycle, so I bought one online, and the only thing I did was trying to keep her balanced in the beginning, then just like that, she was riding it. I wished she would continue riding it, but now she thinks that it's not cool:-). I almost bought one myself but gave up in the end. That's why I've been using unicycle for my user name in skate forums:-)


Monday, June 04, 2007

Father's day

Kids are very observant, of what you want and what you like to do. Here are the two drawings by Ruri and Takeru (actually both by Takeru, but Ruri did the coloring for the bicycle one.

The one showing me on a green meadow, holding a bone with a dog really moves me. Takeru knows that I'd love to have a dog that can play with me outside. He has already named it Fido. I don't know where he got it from, but when I wikied it, two definitions caught my eye. 1) a common name for a pet dog, 2) Latin for "I trust". I think I'll take 2).

Here are the two drawings, they are entered in some father's day competition.