
A time capsule for myself

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Pushing to the limit

Starting from this week, Tuesday is dedicated to racing. These are controlled-time laps to get each group to the desired time. For the masters (35 yrs and older) the lap time are 13.5 for 4 laps, 13 for 3 laps and 12 something for last three laps. It's done continuesly in groups (Pro, Senior, Master and kids). Today's entire training included a 100 lap controled burn plus 3 races for each of the adult groups, the kid group raced after each adult group race (meaning 3x3 races). The coach threw in one more at the end, so they had a total of 10 races.

It's the first time I see Ruri getting really exhausted after each race. She did really well. Apart from the first race, all other races she was just behind the two junior boys, both of them are placed number 1 in the South West region for the Standard Junior class (better than the Junior Olympic class). I didn't check her time, but I believe it should be in the lower 13 seconds. However she is two years older (JO elementary class) so catching up with the Junior boys will be her goal, and she knws that.

Next regional meet will be Feb 17-18 in Merced (near Yosemite), it happens to be during the spring break, we are planning to be there....meaning she'll need to train harder.


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